
Privacy Notice (How we use personal information)


The 44th Colchester Scout Group takes the issue of privacy very seriously and is committed to protecting and respecting the personal information supplied to us. 

This privacy notice covers data processing activity undertaken within 44th Colchester Scout Group (the Group).

Data Controller

The Data Controller for the Scout Group is the Group Executive Committee, who also discharge the responsibilities of Data Protection Officer.

If you have any queries or concerns regarding these dutiesyou should contact us at or

The categories of personal information that we collect, hold and share include:

  • Prospective Young Members
    • Data collected includes name, date of birth, address and contact details
  • Parent / Guardian for Prospective Young Members
    • Data collected includes name and contact details
  • Young Members
    • Data collected includes some or all of the following: names, date of birth, nationality, ethnicity, religion, disabilities, health and dietary issues, address, contact details, National Health number, relationships with other people (including family and health professionals), and history within the Scouting (including attendance and badge achievements)
  • Parent / Guardian for Young Members
    • Data collected includes some or all of the following: names, date of birth, address, contact details, relationship to the young person, Gift Aid Information, bank account information (where the parent / guardian opts to enable Online Scout Manager to collect termly fees and activity fees using this payment channel.)
  • Adult Volunteers
    • Data collected includes some or all of the following: names, date of birth, nationality, ethnicity, religion, disabilities, health and dietary issues, address, contact details, National Health number, occupation, relationships with other people (including family and health professionals), and Scouting history
    • Identification evidence details, used purely for the purpose of DBS checks

For the purpose of this document:

Prospective Young Members include any young person who has indicated they wish to join a Scouting Young section (Beaver Scouts, Cub Scouts, Scouts, Explorer Scouts), either directly or through their parent / guardian.  The record for a prospective Young member will also include parent / guardian name and contact details

Parent / Guardian for Prospective Young Members is the adult who advises the group that a child in their care is interested in joining Scouting

Young Members include all young people who attend and participate in the programme provided by the 44th Colchester Scout Group Beaver Scout, Cub Scout and Scout sections.

Parent / Guardian for Young Members is the adults(s) who are responsible for the young person who attends a section of 44th Colchester Scout Group

Adult Volunteers include all adults who have a role in Scouting including, but not restricted to: Group Scout Leader, Assistant Group Scout Leader, Section Leaders, Assistant Section Leaders, Section Assistants, Skills Instructors, Occasional Helpers, members of the Executive Committee.

Why we collect and use this information

We use information on Prospective Young Members to manage our waiting list and provide young people with opportunities to join a Scouting youth section.  The Parent / Guardian for Prospective Young Members details are collected to enable us to offer Scouting opportunities, whenever they become available within the Group.

We collect information about Adult Volunteers, Young Members and Parent/Guardian of Young Members, so that we can safely deliver scouting within the Group, each section, i.e. Beaver Scouts, Cub Scouts, Scouts and Explorers. 

Each section in the Group has a Facebook page, which is accessed by a closed membership Group.  Photographs and feedback relating to programme activities, news and events will be posted here.  In line with Facebook functionality group members will also be able to access, comment on and post to the page.

Similarly specific events, such as Summer Camp, can also have a Facebook page, which is accessed by a closed membership Group, may have their own Facebook page.  Photographs and feedback relating to programme activities, news and events will be posted here.  In line with Facebook functionality group members will also be able to access, comment on and post to the page. 

The Group Executive Committee, District Scout Council, County Scout Council and National organisers will need to hold basic aggregated demographic information about the young people and our adult volunteers.  This is in order to allow us to support Scouting in Colchester, at District and National level.

The lawful basis on which we use this information

We consider your consent to be given, under Article 9(2)(a) when you complete and return any documentation we send to you. This can include data capture forms when a new member joins the Group, Nights Away Activity Information Forms, or One Day Activity Information Forms. It will also include verbal consent.  

The processing of medical records and religion for a Young Person however is on the basis of Article 9(2)(c) legitimate interests:

  • Collection of Young People’s medical records is necessary for the protection of that Young Person whilst in the care of the Scout Group.
  • Collection of Young People’s religion is necessary to respect their beliefs with regards to activities, food and holidays

For Adult Volunteers the collection of data is necessary for the purposes of disclosure checks and safeguarding Article 6(1)(d) and is based on the Data Subject sharing information under Article 9(2)(e), a legal obligation Article 6(1)(c).

Storing personal data

We hold pupil data in hard copy or electronic format as follows:

  • Prospective Young Members
    • The data collected will be held on Online Scout Manager, our online membership management system.  This forms the primary record for the prospective member.
  • Parent / Guardian for Prospective Young Members
    • The data collected will be held on Online Scout Manager, our online membership management system.  This forms part of the primary record for a prospective member.
  • Young Members
    • The data collected will be held on Online Scout Manager, our online membership management system( a bespoke application for the management of Scout group membership, badges, event participation, billing)
    • For camps, events and activities, personal information will be held in physical (paper) records, held by the event leadership
    • Names may be held by adult supporters on their home computers for event administration, maintaining financial records of the Group
    • Section Facebook pages hold photographs, comments relating to the section and its members.  The administrator will review all postings to ensure they are in line with Scout Association guidelines
    • Event specific Facebook pages hold photographs, comments relating to the section and its members.  The administrator will review all postings to ensure they are in line with Scout Association guidelines
    • In some instances where the event is national or county organised, information might be collected and stored via an online portal.  Here the information would be provided directly by the parent / guardian concerned or you would be advised of a change to our data processing and consent obtained.
  • Parent / Guardian for Young Members
    • The data collected will be held on Online Scout Manager, our online membership management system( a bespoke application for the management of Scout group membership,f badges, event participation, billing)
  • Adult Volunteers
    • In Compass; the Scout Association’s membership database.
    • In Atlantic Data for the purpose of completing DBS checks

How long do we retain the data for? 

We will retain your data for as long as the Data Subject remains a part of the Group (young person or adult volunteer) or wishes to remain on the waiting list. When the Data Subject leaves or has indicated they no longer wish to remain on the waiting list we will delete it in accordance with our retention policy. 

Paper event and activity forms are shredded once the event is complete and the event closedown is complete.

Section Facebook pages generally retain their timeline, but will be periodically cleansed or cleansed upon request or by the action of a member.  Information may be removed, but is subject to Facebook Terms and Conditions

Event specific Facebook pages, are cleared down after five years.  While information may be removed, it is subject to Facebook Terms and Conditions

Who will have access to personal information

The members of the leadership team and the Executive Committee will hold this information. The Executive Committee, the Group Scout Leader and Section Leaders may need to access this data in their role of Charity Trustees for the Group.

Access to Online Scout Manager is managed by an administrator, who performs quarterly recertification of privileged users and half yearly revalidation of all users.  Access is role based and applies the principle of least privilege.

Access to Facebook pages are managed by a designated administrator for each page.  They are responsible for ensuring the membership who can access the site remains current and that data is cleared down in line with data retention guidelines.

Paper event, activity or nights away forms are held by the camp leader.  They may be accessed by other leaders during the duration of the event for welfare purposes.

Who we share personal information with

The Group is part of Colchester North District Scout Council, (the District) and Essex County Scout Council, (the County). The Group will periodically join in events that are run by the District or the County. In these cases, the expectation is that the organisers will collect personal information using their own activity forms, for the purpose of the event only.   

Where we run events in the Group, we will share information with a “Home Contact.” They are usually volunteers in scouting who will act as a go-between at camps for the leadership to contact parents in emergencies. 

 If a Data Subject moves to another Scout Group, we will ask you before we shared any data with the new Group. This also applies to Scouts moving to Explorer Scouts outside the 44th Colchester Scout Group.

We routinely share information relating to Adult Volunteers with:

  • The Scout Association as the Data Controller for all adult supporter information
  • Atlantic Data for the purpose of completing DBS checks

Why we share personal information

We do not share information about our young people or prospective young people with anyone without consent unless the law and our policies allow us to do so.

Requesting access to your personal data

Under data protection legislation, parent / guardians, young people and adult volunteers  have the right to request access to information about them that we hold. To make a request for your personal information, or be given access to your child’s educational record, contact,uk

You also have the right to:

  • object to processing of personal data that is likely to cause, or is causing, damage or distress
  • prevent processing for the purpose of direct marketing
  • object to decisions being taken by automated means
  • in certain circumstances, have inaccurate personal data rectified, blocked, erased or destroyed; and
  • claim compensation for damages caused by a breach of the Data Protection regulations

If you have a concern about the way we are collecting or using your personal data, we request that you raise your concern with us in the first instance. Alternatively, you can contact the Information Commissioner’s Office at


If you would like to discuss anything in this privacy notice, please contact: