
15 April 2020

We know that the coming days and weeks are going to be difficult for families across the UK, as the nation addresses the challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic . As a Scout Group we thought we’d do what we can to give our young people a chance to participate in some virtual Scouting, a chance to explore #GreatIndoors.

Very shortly we’ll launching the first set of programme packs – The Health & Fitness Badge for Beavers, The Local Knowledge Badge for Cubs and a virtual walk along the Essex way for Scouts, earning badges as they go (other members of the Group can try the step counting and questions, to participate in this activity). We’ll be tracking progress to see who gets the furthest.

We’d like our members to draw their own Scout Badge, decorate it and put it in the window to show they are actively Scouting or use the template below.

But most importantly please use our Facebook page to show the Group is still active by posting pictures, photos, writing, thoughts and artwork under the  #GreatIndoors banner. It will help evidence the activities are being done and badge requirements met. I’ll create a ‘beaver’ ‘cub’ ‘Scout’ thread to add your photos to.

If these ideas are adopted by our young people and supported by the parents, we’ll produce more packs, including a virtual Group Camp over the weekend 1st to 3rd May.

Let’s earn some badges, have some fun and develop our young people, while ensuring we obey the current UK Government rules around going outside and social distancing.

Please visit the activity page to learn more


Yours in scouting.
All the leadership team!